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Bike basket MyBasket

€5,67 (Branco Brouwers)

Date published: 16-12-2014 | 2764 views
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MyBasket is a bike- and shopping basket in one. And nog just anyone, it's your own shopping basket.

MyBasket is easy to install on your bike

For MyBasket you don't need a transport rack. You only have to click on some carrying handles and a support bracket. After that you easly take the MyBasket with you on your steering wheel. No easier way! The basket comes with its own manual.

MyBasket fits on almost every bike

It took some thinking, but then you have some, thanks to the suspension (with patent) with a universal connector it fits on almost any (city) bike. But that's not all. MyBasket has a smart notch for your bicycle lamp, so you can leave the lamp at your bike.

MyBasket is easy to use

MyBasket is the largest removable basket of its kind and it has a capacity of 9 pounds. In terms of content, you can compare MyBasket with a basket from the supermarket. You ride to the store, fill your basket with groceries and then click him simply back on your bike. Never pay 25 cents for an environmentally unfriendly bag. If you do not like supermarkets, you can of course also use it for an evening drink with friends in the park.

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