2024 copies of The Ocean & Sea Creatures Colouring Book (ISBN Number: 978-1-5262-0440-0)
2024 books sold at £1.00 each, a total of £2024.00 + delivery costs
I have attached a link to view a video of the book:
Benefits of buying the book:
• You will have an 80% discount from the retail price of £5.00
• You can sell the books at 40% (£2.00 each) of the retail price and still make a 100% mark up.
• The books sell very well wherever children's products are sold.
Book Features:
The book illustrates novel, fun and detailed images of sea creatures from across the globe, from sharks and whales, to coral reef, turtles and deep sea creatures.
The book contains 28 pages and is A4 landscape in size.
The pages have a thickness of 120gsm, which means they are quite thick, and you can use paint, pencil crayons, felt tip pens etc to colour in the images.
Printed in the UK